Maximizing your Daily Routine & Work Set Up for Your Afternoon Runs

If you run in the afternoon, your work set up could be impacting your performance! People typically associate pain or injury from their running but honestly, in my experience, it is the things we do daily and repetitively that hurt us more than being active for 1-2 hours a day!

But there are simple changes you can make to your daily routine & work set up to improve how those afternoon runs feel! So keep reading!

Poor Work Set Up Results in...
❌  Joint Stiffness
❌  Pain
❌  Blood pooling into our lower legs & feet

Why Does this Happen?
💥  Lack of movement
PSA we are not meant to be in one position for 8 or more hours a day. Our bodies are designed for and do best with movement.

💥 Forcing upright posture
Too often I see and hear people trying to correct their posture by forcing an upright position. But most people over activate the extensor muscles of the low back when doing this. Thus putting more stress and strain on the lower back.
This overly extended position, also, alters our ability to take a deep breath- inhibiting key muscles in our trunk & pelvis that support us. So allow yourself to slouch. The key here is balance. Let yourself toggle between sitting upright, sitting to each side and slouching.

💥 Altered breathing patterns
As I mentioned above, forcing one position, especially an overly extended position, inhibits our diaphragm, deep core, deep back muscles and pelvic floor, which decreases support of our pelvis and trunk. So we end up hanging out on our joints and that results in pain & stiffness. The other major daily factor that changes breathing is stress. When under stress, people begin to hold their breath or take shallow breaths further inhibiting the muscles above. Modify this by finding moments during the day to take some deep breaths.

What is Proper Work Station Set Up Anyways?
⭐️ Feet grounded flat on the floor
⭐️ Hips bent to 90 degrees or slightly higher
⭐️ Elbows at 90 degrees with slight flexion in wrists to type on keyboard and use mouse
⭐️ Screen at eye height

FINALLY Daily Modifications To Maximize Your Afternoon Workout or Run...
⚡️ Go ahead and fidget! 
If the reason these things happen is lack of movement that means movement is the answer. So move more! Shift your weight right, left, sit up, slouch down, stand up, and stand on one leg. There are many different positions available to us. Variety is the spice of life and the key to movement.

⚡️ Allow yourself to Slouch
Let your spine flex and your shoulders round over your rib cage. Allow your muscles to take a break from bracing you in an upright position. Let them rest and breathe for a bit.

⚡️ Take deep breaths
Perform 5 rounds in through the nose for 5 seconds, out through the mouth for 5 seconds. This will help you get a stretch from the inside out, activate the deep muscles of your trunk and pelvis and destress. All of which will help your body decompress during the work day, while helping support you in whatever position you are in.

⚡️ Walk
This is probably the most important thing you can incorporate into your daily work routine. Walk every 1-2 hours for 5-10 minutes. This is especially important for those that get stuck with long commutes or meetings. Walking is a full body activity. So it can help to loosen up any stiffness we may be feeling from prolonged sitting.

Keep on Running! 

Dr. Lauren DPT - The PR Doc


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