Turkey2Tree Strength Challenge Details

How to enter:

Go to Strava and join our Turkey2Tree Club. Upload your activities as "workouts" after completing them.

If you are automatically uploading from an Apple watch you may need to create a manual workout, choose "strength" and then upload to Strava. After you've uploaded your activity, go to the Strava group and click on recent activities to make sure yours has appeared. If your activity is uploaded under a different category, manually edit it to "workout" so that it counts towards the challenge.

Then, watch our IG stories for the daily activity, delivered at about 9pm the day before so that you early birds can get after it.

If you miss a day of the challenge you are disqualified and will not be eligible for either the Weekly Mini-prize or the Grand Prize. During the first few days of the challenge if you are having technical troubles, please reach out to us and we will help get you going. (You will not be kicked out the first few days for ‘technical challenges”!)

30 Day Grand Prize 🎁🎁:

Upload your activity EACH DAY to Strava.

EX: Day 16 #turkey2tree

Feel free to go on about how it went, how it felt, how much you love Wakefield Running Company. Show pictures! We love pictures!

Those who complete the full 30 days will be entered into the Grand Prize raffle. The drawing will be held on December 27th at our Tuesday night run club. You do not need to be present at the run club to win a prize.

The activity and the posting about it on Strava must be done EACH DAY, no exceptions.

Weekly Mini-prize🎁🎁:

Each Sunday we will announce a prize for the week's best post on Instagram or Facebook. Prizes could include, but aren't limited to Goodrs, socks, hi-viz gear, and other customer favorites.

Posts must mention the challenge and include both hashtags #runsoco and #turkey2tree.

The Grand Prize is for the Strava streakers, and the Mini-prizes are for streakers who also share on Instagram.

What are the activities like?

Activities take approximately 5-10 minutes and consist of simple body weight exercises. If you need to modify them to make them easier or harder, that's fine! We are all different, but what brings us together here is doing something that's not completely easy. Twice a week there will be a circuit workout courtesy of Dr Lauren Lapierre, aka The Personalized Running Doc. She has given us two circuits, available on YouTube.

Links to Video Workouts from Lauren LaPierre, The Personalized Running Doc

Circuit 1 -

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1dIVowABft4G9GIR3N5jOFWLRdSd6DO7 [1]

Perform each exercise for 1 minute continuously no breaks except for transition to next exercise

* Bear Crawl - 1 minute

* SL Long Lever Bridge - 1 minute e/s

* Push Ups - 1 minute

* Bent Knee Heel Raises - 1 minute

* Wall Squat - 1 minute


Circuit 2 -


Perform circuit as an AMRAP ( As many rounds as possible) in 5 minutes

* Bear Hold Mtn Climbers x 10 reps e/s

* Overhead Reach Dead Bugs x 10 reps e/s

* Tall Kneeling Front Raise x 10 reps


How are your resolutions going? Mine are shaky at best! 


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